Guardian Group has joined the YA group. This exciting change marks a new chapter in our journey, and we look forward to the enhanced services and opportunities this new partnership will bring. Please note that our website will be redirected to in the near future. Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for your continued support!




Construction claims consultants: building on the legacy

Construction claims consulting, in order to be effective and efficient, requires a special combination of technical construction and engineering proficiency, an in-depth knowledge of the claims investigations process and a business sophistication that transcends the job site. It was back in 1989 that Guardian first stepped into the surety consulting arena, providing clients innovative and cost-saving solutions and proving our self to be the staunchest of allies. Over 30 years later, our pragmatic and nimble approach continues to pays dividends. Today, although we enjoy a larger profile and team, a broader set of technical capabilities and a longer client roster, Guardian began as a family enterprise, and we remain a family enterprise to this day. Now operating in partnership with YOUNG & Associates, we remain adamant about helping you meet the challenges of complex construction claims, issues and projects, vigilant in our pursuit of increased efficiencies. We offer companies both large and small the opportunity to leverage our construction claims consulting experience and core strengths, regardless of the size, type, location, or complexity of the project.

Building relationships. SINCE 1989.

Throughout our storied history, we have taken every opportunity to demonstrate the difference a commitment to genuine construction claims consulting expertise, planning, foresight and an efficiency mindset make. In turn, clients have graciously helped fuel our growth, rewarding us with referrals, generous word-of-mouth and the repeat business that comes form a track record of service and relationships that have withstood the tests of time. Keeping a close eye on regulations and trends, on projects, processes and vendors, as well as on our clients’ bottom lines, Guardian continues to fulfill its mission of bringing an unprecedented level of innovation and efficiency to the surety, insurance, construction and legal industries. Protectors of our clients’ resources, we offer right-sized, cost-controlled and transparently-priced solutions that help you settle disputes, resolve surety, construction defect, environmental and other construction claims, as well as manage construction projects, all while increasing your profitability and enhancing your service reputation.


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