Though you’ll most frequently find Guardian Group’s Construction Defect Group on the defense side of the legal equation, the company’s forensic experts do indeed provide support to plaintiffs when needs arise. On this particular case, the new owner of a home designed by a celebrated architect had recently purchased the Hollywood Hills property and had completed an extensive renovation.
Upon engagement, Guardian’s forensic engineer immediately set out to inspect the property. (The home depicted in the above photograph is not the actual subject residence and is being used for demonstrative purposes only.) Guardian found there were three primary construction defects that were resulting in damage to the property: 1) the specialized roofline was creating roof leaks (because a proper transition flashing into the drainage/gutter system had not been installed), 2) in the HVAC system, condensation was collecting along the duct work (because it was not insulated properly), and 3) the sewer lines would often back up (because the piping was not properly sloped to drain.)
This was a Midcentury Modern designed home, constructed prior to the advent of so many of the contemporary conveniences we take for granted. It was apparent the contractor had paid more attention to maintaining the clean, modern, 1960 aesthetics than fundamental installation requirements. The work simply had not been thought through properly and the contractor had likely taken on a job that exceeded their skillset and experience. Frankly, hiring an architect and/or other licensed design professional would have probably helped to avoid these issues in the first place, but this did not absolve the contractor, either.
Guardian’s construction defect expert prepared a targeted repair scope and a corresponding cost estimate that was more cost-effective than anyone had expected. While the contractor’s insurance carrier was pleased to see reasonableness in the approach and repair costs, the owner was pleased to see that there were ways to maintain the property’s heritage while still building soundly.
Serving insurance carriers and their counsel (and occasionally plaintiffs such as owners and developers, too), Guardian Group, Inc.’s Construction Defect Group draws upon over 30 years’ complex construction and engineering claim experience. When you need rapid response, reliable reporting, and time-tested litigation support, Guardian’s experts provide the forensic analysis that helps you more rapidly and successfully resolve your construction defect cases. Kindly call on Guardian Group today.