A complex of buildings serving as a beachside therapeutic retreat was the site of reported damages. The property insurance carrier asked Guardian Group’s Property & Casualty Group to inspect all of the various structures in relation to reported wind damage. Buildings on the property included a residence, an office, and eight small cabins. Though it may have been reasonable for the insured to think his damages were connected to a recent storm/wind event, the truth was very different.
An experienced construction and engineering expert who has seen genuine wind damage knows exactly what to look for on an investigation and how to distinguish between property damage caused by high winds versus damage that pre-dates the event or results from different causes. Immediately upon notification of the claim, Guardian’s forensic engineer pulled up relevant weather data and dispatched to the policyholder’s property. He inspected interiors, exteriors, and roofs of all ten structures and photographed all areas of damage as well as areas of expected damage.
The final forensic report acknowledged a recent 65 mph wind event and proceeded to walk the reader through each of the complex’ structures, documenting all observed damages. While there was considerable damage of varying types and degrees throughout the complex, including moisture intrusion at several locations, none of the telltale signs of wind damage were in evidence. To cite just a few examples: there were no broken windows or missing/displaced building materials, no damaged vegetation, no impact marks on the exteriors from wind or windborne debris. The report drew attention to specific elements at every structure, such as vapor intrusion and reaction with Low E coating in glass units of wood clad windows, rotting wood, peeling paint, the (poor) condition of many of the roofs granulated cap sheets (including unsealed seams and wrinkles), a buildup of rooftop vegetation, etc., and a broader story emerged. Guardian’s forensic expert’s conclusion made it clear that story was one of aged materials, prolonged exposure, installation deficiencies, and neglected maintenance.
When complex property claims come in, often times the investigations require more than those utilized on standard, everyday claims. That’s why insurance carriers, TPAs, and adjusters rely on the construction and engineering expertise of Guardian Group, Inc. With over 30 years’ complex construction claims experience, we are known for delivering clear, concise reporting, on-time and on-budget. Equipped with the science and the facts, all parties can understand exactly what happened and why. For your commercial property claims, large residential property claims, and property claims of potentially greater risk or complexity, kindly call on the forensic experts at Guardian Group, Inc.