/ ABOUT THE CLAIM: The conversion of an attic into occupied space led a homeowner in the East Coast to report damage to his insurance carrier. Specifically, the insured said that during remodeling damage to flooring and framing was discovered. The insurance carrier asked Guardian Group, Inc.’s Property & Casualty Group to inspect the property and determine cause &...
/ ABOUT THE CLAIM / A homeowner complained to their insurance carrier about a tall retaining wall at the back of their property. The wall creates a terrace with two parking spaces below, accessible by a back alley. The policyholder’s primary concern was that the retaining wall appeared to have moved. ABOUT THE INVESTIGATION / Immediately, Guardian Group, Inc. sent...
/ ABOUT THE CLAIM / Perhaps it is only expected, normal human behavior that in the wake of a storm a property owner will assume that any damage he/she takes note of must have been the consequence of the hail produced by that storm. It is a common occurrence among residential and commercial property owners alike. This particular claim involved...