/ ABOUT THE CLAIM When a surety company exits the business, handling the claims run-off requires finding the right surety claims consultant, one with experience in all manner of surety claim types and projects. In addition to the technical, investigatory and administrative strengths required on all successful surety claims, run-off situations only exacerbate the need for sharp problem-solving, strong claim...
/ ABOUT THE CLAIM / While defaults of busy specialized subcontractors can often lead to simultaneous claims, when a major general contractor goes under (think billions of dollars in revenue, not mere millions), both the number of surety claims and the financial size thereof multiply proportionately. Such was the case when this global contractor’s hearty appetite for growth got the...
/ ABOUT THE CLAIM / Not too long ago, Guardian’s surety claim experts were called in by one of the industry’s largest sureties for immediate support on a claim for which the bond amount at risk exceeded $18MM. Surety bond claims include not only traditional construction projects but computer engineering, I.T. systems and security, programming and software development, as well....