Colleagues and friends of our Construction Defect Group invited to the Mediterranean… via Disneyland

Guardian’s Construction Defect Group is once again hosting a feast for its peers, today, at Catal in Downtown Disney. The event is designed to coordinate with West Coast Casualty Seminar, one of the largest gatherings of construction defect professionals and a must-attend conference for those looking to stay on top of the latest in the law and defect practice technology. Those who stop by our booth will also have the opportunity to win an Amazon Echo.
Just as Guardian’s Surety Group has hosted an annual luncheon for over two decades in conjunction with the ABA’s mid-winter meeting, our Construction Defect Group looks forward to welcoming its clients and friends on an annual basis. In addition to providing a break from the learning, the event is an opportunity to reconnect and enjoy each other’s company in a more relaxed atmosphere. Of course, the Mediterranean flavors and fare of Catal only add to the enjoyment and the ambiance. Should your firm have a need for continuing education credits beyond the seminar, the luncheon is also our clients’ chance to let us know which topics they’d like to have us address in the coming year.
Construction attorneys, whether based in California, the greater southwest or throughout the country, need not ever feel shy about attending one of our events. If for some reason you did not receive an invitation, why not use this as an opportunity to let us know you’d like to join us for the next one? In addition to being one of the industry’s sharpest construction defect experts (though he is much too modest to ever say this about himself), Mark Hopkins also happens to be one of the most congenial and accommodating people on the business landscape. Give him a call or send him an email and say, “Hey, Mark, your company blog says you’re friendly. My firm wants in.”