With our company headquarters in Torrance, CA, and news of both the California and Los Angeles county lockdown ordinances hitting the wires, we just to remind you that construction is considered by most to be essential and that Guardian Group, Inc. remains fully operational.
We also want to take this time to wish you, your coworkers and your loved ones the very best. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay at home as much as possible.
As of today, all of Guardian’s services are uninterrupted, with many of our personnel working remotely, for their own sake and for their families’ peace of mind, courtesy of the tools and technologies already provided to all. We are grateful to have such a dedicated team in place and even more grateful that we all remain healthy and focused.
At all times, but certainly in such unprecedented times as these, we are here to help you in every way imaginable. Please feel free to call upon us with any questions you may have or with your claims and investigation needs, as they arise.
Guardian Group, Inc. has special plans in place for the claims handling needs of each of our main business lines, surety, construction defects, and property and casualty. If we’ve yet to reach out to you personally, by all means, pick up the phone. Social distancing doesn’t have to mean losing touch with the clients and friends we hold dear.
On behalf of all of us on our team, here’s wishing you and your team health, strength, tenacity and success.