The character Forrest Gump in the movie of the same name famously celebrated his mother’s wisdom when he repeated her lesson to him, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” Similarly, when a surety exits the business, often Guardian Group, Inc. is the one called in to run-off its claims, and the company’s surety claim consultants have no idea just what kind of construction challenges and circumstances they’ve just inherited. In one such surety runoff, one of the claims Guardian’s experts needed to manage involved a Native American reservation.
For those unfamiliar, tribal lands operate under their own sets of laws. On this specific claim, the contractor had bid on the construction of a cluster of small, residential “dwellings” but had barely begun the process when his company filed for bankruptcy protection. Though respecting all of a specific tribe’s many prevailing laws and customs isn’t always easy or intuitive, Guardian’s personnel knew this was imperative to both effective collaboration and ultimate project success.
Guardian was able to takeover construction and complete the project on-time and to the satisfaction of the tribe. One specific challenge that emerged on the project was the need to get fresh water to the site, something that had to be arranged through the Chief, with his firetruck being utilized to transport the fresh water. While technical construction and engineering expertise is always in demand, so, too, are the problem-solving and people skills Guardian has always demonstrated in its project and construction management.
When surety claims professionals require support on their claim investigations, they know they can count on Guardian Group, Inc.’s unique combination of technical construction/engineering expertise and specialized surety claim experience. Every claim type. Every size. Every day. Helping sureties rapidly resolve their claims, providing practical solutions and mitigating their exposure, Guardian continues to set its services apart. It’s an uncommon commitment to your success, and it’s a dedication that’s been demonstrated for over 30 years. From single, small claims to TPA services and complete claims run-offs, kindly call on Guardian Group today.