Guardian Group has joined the YA group. This exciting change marks a new chapter in our journey, and we look forward to the enhanced services and opportunities this new partnership will bring. Please note that our website will be redirected to in the near future. Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for your continued support!


WHAT'S NEW & EXCITING in the world of surety claims, construction defects, property & casualty consulting, and construction management? Check this page to see where Guardian Group's been... and where we're going!

/ ABOUT THE CLAIM One special type of commercial property claim for which Guardian Group is often called upon to provide forensic consultation are those pertaining to places of worship. Churches, for example, must carry property insurance, just like any other commercial buildings, and their claims must be investigated in the same fashion. On a recent claim involving a 6000...
/ ABOUT THE CLAIM Recently, an industry leader in property insurance called upon Guardian Group’s Property & Casualty Group to provide additional engineering support on a more complex claim type. In the wake of storms and heavy rains, one of their homeowners had reported an apparent mudslide. Guardian was asked to inspect the property and determine whether a mudslide had...
  ABOUT GUARDIAN GROUP, INC.: When carriers, TPAs, and adjusters need expert, expedient property claim investigations, they often turn to the construction and engineering specialists at Guardian Group, Inc. For over 30 years, Guardian’s fair and fact-based forensic reporting has helped insurers rapidly resolve their construction and engineering-related claims. Put the right expert on the property claim investigation. Put yourself on a...
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