WHAT'S NEW & EXCITING in the world of surety claims, construction defects, property & casualty consulting, and construction management? Check this page to see where Guardian Group's been... and where we're going!

/ ABOUT THE CLAIM: Recently, a Texas homeowner filed a property claim with his insurance carrier regarding cracks on his interior gypsum wallboards. His theory was that a leak in the sewer line beneath the home had disturbed the foundation, thus creating the cracks. He noted that the sewer line started in a central bathroom. Upon receiving notice of the...
/ ABOUT THE CLAIM / A homeowner complained to their insurance carrier about a tall retaining wall at the back of their property. The wall creates a terrace with two parking spaces below, accessible by a back alley. The policyholder’s primary concern was that the retaining wall appeared to have moved. ABOUT THE INVESTIGATION / Immediately, Guardian Group, Inc. sent...
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