Often times, a surety will elect to assist with contractor financing in an effort to mitigate claim losses. Such was the case on one of Guardian Group, Inc.'s files that involved a painting contractor in the Southwest. This large firm had several jobs open simultaneously, and the principal was experiencing cash flow problems. Many of the company's bonded projects, each...
With a one-of-a-kind track record of service on the United States Territory of Guam, Guardian Group, Inc. stands ready to assist you with every type of surety claim and case that may come your way. Our experts' 30 years of experience and facility with the people and local culture put our surety clients at east: they know that these are fundamental...
A surety client called Guardian Group, Inc.'s Surety Group when concerns about their contractor's delays and talk of liquidated damages began to manifest. The project was an expansion of an existing medical facility in Northern California; the addition comprised 60,000 square feet in a single story. The building is structural concrete and steel, with an envelope of glass and stucco. As...