Recently, Guardian Group’s Construction Defect Group experts were called in to consult at a construction site where a military storage warehouse was undergoing a major renovation. The U.S. Army was repurposing the storage facility into general office space. Apparently, something had caused the newly poured concrete floor to “pop up” and crack – but this was no subtle movement or a simple slight shifting of the concrete. An explosion and massive displacement occurred; it was estimated the floor achieved an elevation of almost a foot. (Not so high a jump if you’re Lebron James or Michael Jordan, but incredibly high if you’re hundreds of pounds of concrete.)
The floor of the warehouse was not uniform with one of its sections sitting about two feet above the other. In order to create a level interior floor for the new offices, the plans had called for the use of EPS blocks (compressed foam boards) to fill in the negative space and upon which the new concrete floors could be poured. Immediately dispatching to the scene of the suspended construction, Guardian’s forensic team quickly deduced and validated their theory of what had occurred. Though an extremely rare occurrence, EPS blocks are manufactured with a gas, and this gas escapes from the blocks over time. In this case, the off-gasses combined with the surrounding air in-between the new concrete floor and the old floor below… and upon meeting with a spark, the gas exploded with considerable force, shooting the new concrete floor up into the air. Thankfully, no one was injured. The catalytic spark was confirmed to have emanated from another subcontractor who was welding with a blowtorch at the time. Open flames/sparks are common during construction and the explosion danger was not reasonably anticipated. However, while extremely rare, this danger does exist with the use of EPS blocks and is a danger that should be understood and communicated in the construction industry.
The U.S. government department responsible for construction had understandable reservations and wanted an extensive, costly, and time-intensive re-design. But Guardian’s construction and engineering expert was able to calm nerves and explain the situation and its utter rarity. Though EPS boards and blocks are widely used and readily accepted as eminently safe, there is an incredibly minor risk that conditions will align in such a way so as to cause combustion, and that is precisely what happened, despite the odds being against it. Following additional precautions, such as allowing EPS blocks to have adequate time to off-gas prior to installation would ensure safety and alleviate any lingering concerns. Construction resumed without incident.
Drawing upon over 30 years’ complex construction & engineering claims investigations experience, Guardian’s Construction Defect Group provides rapid response and diligent yet timely forensic analysis. Serving carriers and their counsel with distinction for over three decades, Guardian’s track record speaks to its capacity for innovative problem-solving and pragmatic, cost-effective consulting. When your claims, cases, and issues require both technical expertise and professional, punctual delivery, count on Guardian Group’s reputation. Kindly call us today.