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Gusty Winds, Dizzying Heights, and Millions of Dollars Hanging in the Balance


Not too long ago, Guardian’s Surety Group was called upon by one of its longstanding clients to investigate a bridge-related bond claim in the Midwest. The obligee on the bond, the state where the bridge stood, made a claim on the bond as soon as they noticed a work stoppage on the part of the bonded principal, a commercial painting company. Though the layperson may not think about it, civil projects such as bridges represent not only substantial initial expenditure, but ongoing investments into ongoing maintenance. Due to their exposure to the elements, especially when spanning across water, such as this one, bridges require frequent repainting. This is not for purely aesthetic reasons but because the paint provides protection, expanding lifespan by preventing corrosion of the steel.


Immediately deploying to the scene, Guardian’s engineers could readily observe both a severely delayed project – painting had barely begun – and a rather treacherous set of working conditions. Of course, bridge painting projects are never for the faint of heart, but this one proved especially perilous due to the way the immediate topography influenced the winds. Upon a review of the work records and an interview with the principal, it became apparent that he, the owner of the commercial painting company, was operating under extreme financial distress. In the face of a likely bankruptcy, Guardian’s team was careful to document and photograph everything at every step. This served to prepare for successful subrogation and recovery.


On this claim the surety chose to temporarily finance the principal to progress work in order to minimize delays. All the while, Guardian was soliciting bids and formulating a long-term completion solution. Guardian personnel mobilized on the project and provided project management and administrative control during the interim financing and relet period. Ultimately, Guardian successfully transitioned the project to a completion contractor that was tendered to the obligee.


From the investigation and resolution of daily contract and commercial claims to complete project takeovers, litigation support, subrogation and recovery, Guardian Group assists sureties on claims of every type, every size, every day, and has been doing so with distinction for over 30 years. Now operating in concert with YOUNG & Associates, surety clients enjoy the same personal service to which they have become accustomed with the additional support of hundreds of engineers and technical building consultants located throughout the U.S., as well as Mexico and the United Kingdom. Whether you would like support on a single claim or you are looking to prepare your claims department for a high volume of claims, Guardian welcomes the opportunity to be of service to you. Kindly give us a call today.


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