Guardian Group has joined the YA group. This exciting change marks a new chapter in our journey, and we look forward to the enhanced services and opportunities this new partnership will bring. Please note that our website will be redirected to in the near future. Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for your continued support!


WHAT'S NEW & EXCITING in the world of surety claims, construction defects, property & casualty consulting, and construction management? Check this page to see where Guardian Group's been... and where we're going!

/ ABOUT THE CLAIM: Recently, a Texas homeowner filed a property claim with his insurance carrier regarding cracks on his interior gypsum wallboards. His theory was that a leak in the sewer line beneath the home had disturbed the foundation, thus creating the cracks. He noted that the sewer line started in a central bathroom. Upon receiving notice of the...
/ ABOUT THE CLAIM With a dramatic increase in infrastructure projects around the corner, it seems fitting to discuss one such project from Guardian Group, Inc.’s archives. Civil projects like highways, bridges, and tunnels always represent unique challenges, and Guardian has established an enviable track record overcoming those difficulties throughout the decades. On this specific claim, a train tunnel was...
    Recently, one of Guardian Group, Inc.'s long standing surety clients called on our experts for support with a claim. On this particular claim, involving the construction of a large community pool facility, the principal hadn't completed various punch list items, and as a result the obligee was holding over $100,000 in retention and final payment. Improper installation of the...
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