Guardian Group has joined the YA group. This exciting change marks a new chapter in our journey, and we look forward to the enhanced services and opportunities this new partnership will bring. Please note that our website will be redirected to in the near future. Stay tuned for more updates and thank you for your continued support!


WHAT'S NEW & EXCITING in the world of surety claims, construction defects, property & casualty consulting, and construction management? Check this page to see where Guardian Group's been... and where we're going!

/ ABOUT THE CASE, CLAIM, OR ISSUE Not long ago, legal counsel for a major insurance carrier reached out to the Guardian / YA Group team for a forensic engineering investigation and litigation support on a large case. Their insured, a general contractor specializing in interior remodeling, was the subject of a lawsuit alleging widespread defective work and millions of...
/ ABOUT THE CASE(S) / Lately, there has been an uptick in cases originating in Florida that involve moisture intrusion via stucco. As one example, Guardian Group’s Construction Defect Group was recently called upon by a longstanding law firm client. An HOA, on behalf of a Florida townhouse condominium, was coming after their client, a policyholder of the carrier, the...
/ ABOUT THE CLAIM, CASE, OR ISSUE Recently Guardian Group’s Construction Defect Group was called in to consult on a reported leak at a multiscreen movie theater complex. The construction was concrete tilt-up, a common, efficient building technique often utilized for warehouse and industrial purposes. It should also be noted that this movie house sits in a part of the...
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