/ ABOUT THE CASE, CLAIM, OR ISSUE Not long ago, legal counsel for a major insurance carrier reached out to the Guardian / YA Group team for a forensic engineering investigation and litigation support on a large case. Their insured, a general contractor specializing in interior remodeling, was the subject of a lawsuit alleging widespread defective work and millions of...
/ ABOUT THE CASE(S) / Lately, there has been an uptick in cases originating in Florida that involve moisture intrusion via stucco. As one example, Guardian Group’s Construction Defect Group was recently called upon by a longstanding law firm client. An HOA, on behalf of a Florida townhouse condominium, was coming after their client, a policyholder of the carrier, the...
/ ABOUT THE CLAIM, CASE, OR ISSUE Recently Guardian Group’s Construction Defect Group was called in to consult on a reported leak at a multiscreen movie theater complex. The construction was concrete tilt-up, a common, efficient building technique often utilized for warehouse and industrial purposes. It should also be noted that this movie house sits in a part of the...